Theft Can Be More Difficult With This New iPhone iOS 17.3 Features

After installing New iPhone iOS 17.3, you should be prompted to activate Stolen Device Protection. This should happen automatically. If, however, you are unable to take advantage of that chance, you can simply launch the Settings app, choose Face ID & Passcode, and then check to see that the Stolen Device Protection toggle is turned on. It is possible that your settings may seem different if you have an earlier iPhone that supports Touch ID.

New iPhone iOS 17.3 Features

The news that your phone has been stolen and that all of your information has been taken with it is a situation that will make your stomach sink.

As a result of the most recent upgrade to Apple’s iOS, if it hasn’t already occurred to you, it may never happen again.

The organization is making it far more difficult for criminals to have access to the information that is considered to be the most private. Stolen Device Protection is a brand new feature that is now being sent out as an over-the-air software update in iOS 17.3, and you should activate it as soon as possible.

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of these advancements, providing insights and practical tips to make Theft More Difficult With This New iPhone iOS 17.3 Features.

How to Make Use of Protection for Stolen Devices

After installing iOS 17.3, you should be prompted to activate Stolen Device Protection. This should happen automatically. If, however, you are unable to take advantage of that chance, you can simply launch the Settings app, choose Face ID & Passcode, and then check to see that the Stolen Device Protection toggle is turned on. It is possible that your settings may seem different if you have an earlier iPhone that supports Touch ID.

After you have enabled Stolen Device Protection, your iPhone will need extra authentication in order for the user to access some information. Additionally, it will prohibit certain changes from being made if it determines that they are not in a trusted location—for example, your home or your place of employment—and it will block certain modifications.

For instance, if you attempt to change the password for your Apple account or the passcode for your phone when your iPhone is not in a trusted area, Stolen Device Protection will ask you to wait one hour and then confirm your identity using either Face ID or Touch ID for a second time.

Even if the person who took your iPhone is aware of the password that allows it to be unlocked, the delay will allow you to utilize Apple’s Find My feature to remotely lock or delete the information from the stolen device.

It is possible for a thief to disable the anti-theft and security mechanisms of your iPhone by using merely the passcode, provided that there is no delay.

By requiring biometric verification (Face ID or Touch ID, depending on which iPhone you have), Stolen Device Protection restricts the information that a thief may access on your iPhone.

This allows the criminal to take actions like viewing stored passwords or making changes to an Apple savings account.

Thieves will not be able to use your unlocked iPhone to steal your money or obtain an Apple credit card in your name because of this measure.

The modifications might be a reaction, at least in part, to tales of burglars stealing devices after witnessing iPhone users log in with their personal identification number (PIN).

Once they get access to the devices, criminals who steal iPhones are often able to steal money, create credit card accounts, and engage in other criminal activities, according to the text of an article that was published in The Wall Street Journal.

Additionally, criminals have the ability to totally lock victims out of their Apple accounts, making it very hard for victims to deactivate or trace their stolen iPhones via Apple’s Find My function.

In certain cases, victims discover that they are unable to access their images and information that have been stored on iCloud.

With the addition of this new function, it will be more difficult for criminals to exploit a stolen iPhone to destroy your life. Although there may be times when it is inconvenient for you, it is still something that you should consider turning on.

On the other hand, it won’t work at home

Stolen Device Protection only applies these increased security capabilities while the iPhone is switched on and your iPhone is away from a “familiar location.

” Apple describes a “familiar location” as “your home, work, and certain other locations where you regularly use your iPhone.”

However, there is an exception to this rule. In order for your iPhone to recognize familiar locations, you will need to enable a setting called Significant Locations, which can be found under Settings > Privacy & Security > Location Services > System Services > Significant Locations.

However, you will not be able to view or modify familiar locations in order to prevent thieves from circumventing Stolen Device Protection.

These further safety precautions will not be necessary for you to take while your iPhone is secure in your own house. However, this does imply that these security precautions will not be effective if someone in your house is aware of your passcode. This is a feature that is beneficial for convenience.

Other suggestions for safeguarding your iPhone

More precautions may be taken to ensure the safety of your iPhone, including the following:

Increase the length of your passcode. In the event that you are only able to unlock your smartphone using a four-digit pin, you should consider switching to a six-digit pin or even an alphanumeric passcode.

Be sure to take the necessary safeguards to protect private images that include personally identifiable information. Delete any images from your camera roll that display important documents in order to prevent thieves from obtaining access to further personal information about you.

New iPhone iOS

This will help prevent burglars from gaining access to additional information about you. In the event that you need quick access to them for whatever reason, you can instead move them to the hidden album of the Photos app by long-pressing a photo and selecting the Hide This Photo option from the menu that subsequently appears.

You will be able to access them more rapidly as a result of this. In the Photos section of the Settings menu, you have the ability to make adjustments to the hidden album’s visibility, including whether or not it is available at all.

The secret album may also be accessed with the use of Face ID, which is an additional option available to you. There is also the possibility of storing photographs of documents in a password manager or a safe cloud storage service that is accessible online.

In each of these cases, there is no risk involved at all. Regardless of the location in which you choose to keep the images,

it is of the utmost importance that you make certain that a password, Face ID, or some other kind of verification is required in order to see them.

PINs and Face IDs may be used to protect particular applications. Due to the fact that the majority of applications on iPhones do not require you to log back in often (or ever), a burglar who has an iPhone that is not protected may quickly access all of your applications.

Certain applications, particularly those that are associated with banking and credit cards, give you the option to establish a personal identification number (PIN) or to unlock them by using your face or fingerprint. It is essential that you activate these options.

Face ID or Touch ID should be required in order to see stored passwords. In order to access or read your stored passwords or to have the iPhone automatically fill in those logins when you visit a website, Stolen Device Protection necessitates the use of biometric authentication procedures.

However, you are able to demand that even if you do not have stolen device protection: Navigate to the Settings menu, choose Face ID & Passcode, and then turn on the option to auto-fill your password.

One further option is to make use of a standalone password manager, such as 1Password, which is our top selection and has a multitude of features that cannot be found in built-in password managers.

Set your iPhone to use the Find My feature. Take advantage of the Find My iPhone app in the event that your iPhone is stolen so that you can remotely deactivate it and locate it later. Spend some time practicing this skill before you find yourself in a situation where you need it.

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FAQs: Answering Your Queries

How does the enhanced facial recognition in iOS 17.3 differ from previous versions?

The facial recognition in iOS 17.3 utilizes advanced algorithms for better accuracy and reliability. It adapts to changes in appearance, such as hairstyles or accessories, ensuring a seamless and secure unlocking experience.

Can the GPS tracking feature be turned off for privacy concerns?

Yes, users have the flexibility to enable or disable the GPS tracking feature based on their preferences. This ensures a balance between security and privacy, putting control in the hands of the device owner.

Is the end-to-end encryption in iOS 17.3 applicable to all forms of communication?

Yes, iOS 17.3 extends end-to-end encryption to messages, calls, and data, offering complete security for all types of digital communication stored on the device.

How frequently should I update my password for maximum security?

To reduce the likelihood of unwanted access, it is advised that you change your password often, preferably on a monthly basis.

This simple yet effective measure enhances the overall security of your device.

Can the biometric authentication be fooled by replicas or photographs?

Because it has anti-spoofing features, the sophisticated biometric authentication in iOS 17.3 is very resistant to photocopies and other forms of counterfeiting. Only authentic biometric data will be able to unlock the device.

Are there any known vulnerabilities in iOS 17.3 that users should be aware of?

Despite extensive testing, no significant security flaws have been found in iOS 17.3, according to recent sources. Apple consistently releases updates to fix any new security vulnerabilities, guaranteeing a risk-free experience for users.

Conclusion: Embracing a New Era of iPhone Security

Finally, this new iPhone iOS 17.3 feature makes theft more difficult, which ushers in a new age of smartphone security. In order to prevent theft and ensure user privacy, every feature has been carefully built, including sophisticated face recognition and impregnable data encryption. Customers may confidently use their iOS 17.3-powered iPhones to explore the digital world by following the recommended guidelines and remaining educated about the device’s security features.


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